Listen, I could go on all day about how the iRobot® Roomba® 870 delivers 5x the suction or how it removes up to 50% more dirt, dust, hair and debris, or even the way it gets under the furniture and all the spots you pretend not to see when you clean. I could show you videos and pictures of my clean floors and what the dust bin looks like when it’s full. I could, but I won’t, because really, none of that is important. Here are the REAL 7 reasons you need to get a Roomba.
7 Reasons Why You Need a Roomba
So you can have a shark cat.
You may not have seen them on the Discovery channel yet, but a new hybrid of cats are sending cat ladies completely over the edge. Perhaps you have heard of the Selachimorpha Feline – or in layman’s terms, a Shark Cat. No fancy breeding going on here, just take an everyday household cat, dress them in a shark costume and add a ROOMBA!
You always wanted to be a Ninja.
You don’t even need to press the clean button, just schedule Roomba to vacuum when it’s most convenient for you and it will even automatically return to its home base to recharge between cleanings. You don’t even have to be home. Getting housework done when you aren’t even there? Sounds like someone just came one step closer to being a Ninja.
It’s one less thing to argue about.
The sink full of dirty dishes, the dishwasher full of clean dishes, the over flowing trash that wreaks of day old raw chicken and banana peels along with the family of dust bunnies and never ending crumbs that live under the kitchen table are all daily hot button topics in this household. Mostly, because no one likes to do them and I’m not naming names (him!) but some of us (him!) have a tendency to “forget” when it’s our turn to do said chores. With the handy schedule feature, you can tell him that the vacuuming in now taken care of. He doesn’t even have to start the Roomba – he just has to empty the filter on trash day or when the “Bin Full Indicator” lights up!
You Always Wanted A Robot.
Why are you reading this? I shouldn’t need to say more than that. It’s a freakin’ robot people!
Because Instead of Vacuuming…
This is the part where I should probably list all of the other cleaning you could get done in the time you spend vacuuming but I’m not all about that, okay? Instead you could:
- Get a pedicure
- Take a long bath
- Read a good book
- Get in your daily exercise
- Load the dishwasher (haha!)
- Call your bestie
- Whip up a mimosa
- Take a stroll
- Catch up on your DVR
Exercise the Pet
Have a small dog? Hook a bone to that bad boy and watch it multitask and since your sharkcat will be riding it, this will also serve as good bonding time. Plus, it will be hilarious.
The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free.
BAHAHA! If I’m going to have a cat, a shark cat is where it’s at. :) I’d love to have one of these Roombas!
Lol, I have always wanted to be a ninja! How’d you know?