Free 4th Grade Daily Homeschool Schedule Template

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Sample daily homeschool schedule template for 4th grade. Fully editable in Microsoft word and free to download! Customize it for any grade level.

You guys. I am NOT an experienced homeschool mom.

But due to the recent school closures, I have had to scramble to come up with a game plan to further my son’s education while also trying to work from home.

While his regular teacher has sent home worksheets for math and social studies, she has also mentioned that the goal during this time would NOT be it learn new material.

Instead, she will reinforce concepts and materials that have already been taught. 

I completely understand that this may be the easiest course of action with the least amount of strain on everyone involved with such an abrupt change.

But, I’ll admit, I’m concerned that this closure may last longer than the next two weeks and our students may fall behind.

How and why did you create this homeschool schedule?

So why did I decided to create a daily routine, a homeschool schedule for 4th Grade school year?

Because I feel this will not only help us accomplish our daily goals efficiently, but also reduce the number of arguments and whining.

free editable homeschool schedule template

Not knowing how he will react to being taught by Mom and Dad (some children can and will try to test you!) at home, I decided that with a set schedule to follow, there is no room for negotiations!

I searched online for sample homeschooling schedules and gathered a few of my favorites to recreate in an editable Word Doc.

Our 4th Grade Daily Homeschool Schedule template

This 4th Grade Daily Printable Homeschool Schedule template also loosely mimics his existing schedule at school.

His school schedule is something he is already used and will be returning to, so it’s a good idea to try and keep them as similar as possible and have set subjects at a specific time each day.

4th grade daily homeschool schedule template

I also wanted to mix analog learning (worksheets from school + other printables I found online) with digital educational tools for our home school.

More on this below (see Adventure Academy section), but since I also work from home, the time spent with his digital “teacher” gives me time to complete my own work.

How do I get the free Homeschool schedule template?

Just CLICK THIS LINK —>> 4th Grade Daily Printable Homeschool Schedule template to download the editable Word doc right now ;) Enjoy!

*This is my modified non-secular version of an original homeschool daily schedule I found here. She also offers an amazing list of links she uses in her 4th Grade homeschool curriculum.

Free Printable Daily Writing Prompt Worksheet Template

I also created a free downloadable Daily Writing Prompt Worksheet Template to use each day. Although my son absolutely loves to read, he really dislikes creative writing (or any writing at all, actually).

I wanted to come up with a way to engage his creative thinking, while also making it something he might look forward to each day (fingers crossed!).

I am using some ideas from this 85 Interesting Creative Writing Prompts for Kids article to fill in the writing prompt, like “Write about what would it be like if you had an alligator as a pet.”

Free Printable Daily Creative Writing Prompt Template - homeschool schedule template - Free 4th Grade Daily Homeschool Schedule Template

After using this for a couple days, I shared the worksheet with another parent from school.

Her son, who is good friends with mine, took the “write a quick note to a friend” to heart and it became a really fun way for the kids to interact with one another.

They started incorporating each other into their creative stories and really looked forward to seeing what the other had written each day.

The other mom and I took photos of their sheets and texted them back and forth daily. It was an unexpected perk!

You can download the Daily Writing Worksheet Printable for FREE from my shop here.
free editable homeschool schedule template

What other activities are you including in your homeschool schedule?

Be sure to add in breaks and fun activities your children can look forward to each day.

The sample schedule shows Arts and Crafts and some non-digital free time in our homeschool day, but I ended up adding in some music lessons and LEGO building workshops.

Be sure to mix in some of your own. The template is fully editable so you will be able to edit it to meet your needs.

Our “PE” activity each day will be something different – gardening with mom, playing soccer with dad, doing a family home workout with weights and a jump rope, etc.

Do what works for you and your family!

Chore Choice Board

I’ve also mixed in some chores towards the end of the day. I will be using the Neatlings Chore Chart System to manage this and create an opportunity for rewards.

chore choice board with reward system

Currently he is very motivated by having free time to play Minecraft.

While we try to limit digital time to just 2 hours per day, I do understand that Minecraft in it’s own way, encourages creativity and it’s a way for him to socialize while still distancing.

So his tickets can be redeemed for all sorts of things, but he mostly likes to use them to buy more digital time. It’s worked really well so far.

He does have certain must-do chores daily, but he is able to choose to do extras on his own to earn tickets.

This system has really turned him into a little helper around the house!

Adventure Academy

We just downloaded/installed Adventure Academy to supplement Whistler’s at-home learning and he’s really into it.

If you have an 8-13 year old that you’d like to get hooked on an EDUCATIONAL game that teaches things like vocabulary development, reading comprehension, essay structure, science, health, culture, history, social studies, common core math concepts (even fractions!), I highly recommend it! 

Adventure Academy is from the creators of the Award Winning ABCMouse (for ages 2-8). We have used the software and have posted several ABCMouse reviews here.

Having some of the lessons be virtual in a manner where your kids will WANT to do them without complaining and you can check progress is AMAZING.

The program is essentially an online gaming community so he can “play” with friends.

But don’t worry, you can also disable the chat function or limit it to pre-approved canned responses if you’d rather not have them interact with others.

Definitely check it out. One of the best parts of the program is that in order to “level up” you MUST complete the academic lessons and there is no skipping to the end or cheating!

They are offering a 60% off special at just $45 for a year (One account can be used by up to 3 kids!).

You can also choose to do their usual first-month free program, but then it’s $9.99/mo after which is not as good of a deal.

I think $45 for a year is a steal considering it will help continue his progress in school during this crazy time, as well as give me some much needed free time to get done what I need to do.

He practically begs to do the lessons so it’s a guilt-free way for me to let him get in his screen-time.

Do you have more free printables I can download for my child?

Yes, we do! I love creating free activities and printables for children of all ages – adults too. Some worksheets are educational and some just plain for fun.

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    Check out the Free Printables section of the blog and be sure to check back often as I try to add new free worksheets weekly.

    We also just launched a Crafts and Printables blog dedicated to fun DIY crafts and printables for everyone.

    You’ll find a variety of activities like sewing tutorials, home DIY projects, paper crafts, printable planners, educational worksheets, easy holiday crafts for kids and so much more.

    2 thoughts on “Free 4th Grade Daily Homeschool Schedule Template”

      • OH MY! It appears my download plugin stopped working. I’ve corrected the issue. Please look for the blue buttons to download and let me know if you have any further problems!


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