This was our first year of “Elf on the Shelf” adventures with our children, and boy, is it a lot of work!
It’s also a ton of fun for us and the kids.
After the kids are tucked in, and we’re sure they’re dreaming about Cars and Princesses, the hubby and I conspire about our Elf’s nightly adventure.
I doubt he’ll ever admit it, but he seems to enjoy moving “Icee” as much as the kids love finding him.
By the way, I think someone (maybe me) should write a handbook for these elves.
A summary for parents about the elf and rules, suggestions for activities, what you do when the elf is touched, how to answer some of the questions your kids will ask and more. (PSSSTttt….go here for the answers to all these!)
Because as “newbies”, we had no idea when the elf was to arrive, that traditionally they bring a North Pole breakfast, or how to handle things when our son touched him!
I mean, shouldn’t we all be on the same page, so when our children are older and talking about their elves at school, things are consistent?
If you want help with daily ideas and getting your child to engage with the Elf (without touching!), try our Elf on the Shelf Daily Note Cards.
Anyway, I’ve seen a lot of fun and funny photos and thought I’d share them with you guys.
Elf on the Shelf Ideas
My son LOVES the Cars movie and toys, he would think be AMAZED to see this at our house!
These are just a few of my favorites, and no, I wouldn’t do a stripper Barbie for my kids, but it would be funny at an office! What are some of the best ideas you’ve seen this year?