Prevention of Migraines and How They Can Be Treated if They Occur

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If you’re reading this, you’re probably well aware that a migraine is a condition associated with recurring severe headaches. A regular headache can occur on either side of the head or even on both sides and the pain can usually be tolerable.

Migraines, however, are a whole other beast. They tend to be unbearable and can last for hours or even several days. Some of the common signs of a migraine attack include sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, severe headaches, blurred vision, and vomiting.

The symptoms differ from person to person and some may even experience additional signs like diarrhea and sweating. In this article, we hope to cover some valuable information on migraine treatment and possible prevention measures.

what causes migraines - prevention of migraines

What Triggers Migraines

According to experts and doctors, migraines result from a combination of blood vessel expansion and the release of some chemicals in the body causing pain. Serotonin, even though usually regarded as the “happy” chemical, can sometimes cause migraines as it narrows blood vessels in the body.

Different individuals have different triggers of migraine pain. Some triggers that can lead to migraine pain include certain foods such as processed foods and additives, allergies, light, medications, stress, changes in hormone levels, and environmental changes.

In case you are experiencing migraines, it is crucial to consult your doctor on the right migraine treatment for you. This is not a medical resource and should not be used as such. Please consult your licensed medical physician to diagnose and treat your symptoms.

Migraine Treatment

In most cases if you are experiencing migraine headaches, you will use prescription medication and sometimes over-the-counter drugs to relieve the pain and the symptoms. The drugs can also reduce further attacks, but before using them, your doctor will carry out various tests.

Some of the tests may include blood tests, spinal tap in case there is bleeding in your brain, a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan which assesses the brain and nervous system, and other scans which provide images of the brain.

The medications for treatment of migraines vary and can include the use of pain relievers, traditional or eastern medicine, and preventive medications.

The Abortive Treatment

Abortive treatment involves taking drugs or medications such as pain relievers, narcotics, triptans and ergots to reduce further pains. The drugs are used to treat migraine attacks and help in relieving the pain or stopping the symptoms quickly.

You should take the pain-relieving medications once you experience signs of migraines and only with a prescription from your doctor.

Remember drugs such as triptan may have side effects when used for long periods of time. The medication might cause nausea, dizziness or muscle weakness.

Preventive Medication

Doctors sometimes prescribe preventive therapy for individuals experiencing several attacks in less than a month, the abortive treatment is not working, if the pain lasts for 12 hours or more, or when symptoms include prolonged weakness or numbness.

The preventive medications help in the reduction of the severity and frequency of the pain. Additionally, this treatment often increases the effectiveness of pain-relieving drugs. It is important to be persistent since the treatment usually shows improvement only after several weeks.

Some of the preventive medications commonly used include cardiovascular drugs such as timolol. Antidepressants can also be effective at treating migraines.

Eastern Medicine

Another treatment that may reduce a chronic headache is the use of Eastern medicine. Therapies such as acupuncture, massage therapy, and biofeedback can lessen the pain naturally, without the use of chemical or medicines.

Some herbs such as feverfew when taken, can alleviate the headaches.

Consult your doctor before using any herbs, medications or drugs. Your doctor will recommend the right therapy for you based on your health and medical history.

At Home Migraine Treatment

Cool It Down – Put an ice pack on your forehead or neck to get some relief. Experts aren’t sure exactly why it works, but reducing the flow of blood might be part of it. TIP: try a frozen gel pack or a washcloth that’s been rinsed in cold water and frozen.

Caffeine – Science says it could also help your body absorb some migraine drugs faster. But go easy. You can get dependent on your caffeine jolt, which can lead to awful withdrawal symptoms like fatigue and more even more horrible headaches.

A Dark, Quiet Room – Bright light and loud noises can make your headache worse. When you feel a migraine come on, try to find a spot away from the action and pull down the shades.
Magnesium – A mineral found in dark-green veggies, whole grains, and nuts – it won’t help while you’re having a migraine, but some studies show it could prevent one. 

Vitamin B2 – Also known as riboflavin, it’s found in milk, cheese, fish, and chicken. 

Butterbur – People have used this plant for years to treat pain and when researchers looked at all the evidence, they found that taking the extract reduced the number and intensity of headaches for some people.

Preventing Migraines

One of the best ways to treat migraines is to simply avoid getting them at all. While most of the time this isn’t really a choice or up to use, it is helpful to note what triggers the migraines for YOU. Different individuals experience migraines as a result of various triggers.

Sometimes it can be stress or consuming certain types of food, like red wine, aged cheese or cured meat. Not everyone is the same so try and take detailed notes in a journal or diary.

Regular physical exercise may be helpful in preventing migraine headaches. Exercises such as yoga and aerobics are relaxing and promote stress reduction.

Also make sure you get plenty of sleep – a minimum of 7 hours is ideal.

In case you are experiencing migraines, it is crucial to consult your doctor on the right migraine treatment for you. This is not a medical resource and should not be used as such. Please consult your licensed medical physician to diagnose and treat your symptoms.

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