The Things They Don’t Prepare You For In Adulthood

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They say you become an adult when you turn 18, but apparently they forgot what it’s like to be a twenty-something trying to navigate the tricky maze of adulthood. In our late teens and early twenties, we’re still in school or trying to figure out what we’re going to do with our lives. All too soon we’re graduating college, getting married and starting a family, or choosing a career path. THIS is adulthood. We’re expected to have responsibility and authority over other people when just a short time ago our only task was to worry about ourselves. We’re going out into the work force and acting as the adults society thinks we should be. When really, inside, I’m caught in this place somewhere in between where I was expected to be just a short time ago, and where I’m expected to be now.

No one prepared me for this. To make matters worse, I’ve been dealing with the onset of adult acne. Growing up I thought I was lucky not to be a pimply faced teenager. But battling acne as an adult is even worse. How I look on the outside, often determines how I feel on the inside. Take a great hair day for example. Those are the days where I throw on a chic outfit, my shoes match my bag and I take the time to actually “do” my makeup.  Those are the days I feel like I can take on the world. When I can present a healthy, confident exterior, I feel confident on the inside as well. I don’t need acne ruining those days – good hair days are few and far between as it is! Being the responsible adult that I am means I need to take control of the situation.

Clearasil SuperFruit Cleanser

I used to get away with just scrubbing my face with a hot wash cloth. Not anymore. Now I need a small army to combat my combination oily skin. I recently had the opportunity try one of Clearasil’s NEW! Daily Clear Refreshing Superfruit Cleansers. After reviewing my options, I went with the Superfruit Wash (sadly leaving the scrub and pads behind at the store).

I’m not going to lie – the smell is what sold me. It smells like strawberries and grapefruit. With a small breakout occurring on my forehead that day, I was eager get home and put it to use. But I didn’t. I took my daughter to dance, cooked dinner, cleaned the house, stressed out over deadlines and then passed out in bed – with my makeup on. However, the eye gunk I had accumulated from my mascara by the next morning ensured I had a date with my shower.

**WARNING** Shocking, Sans Makeup Pre-Shower Morning Face Below****

Clearasil SuperFruit Cleansers

As I applied the Superfruit wash, there were a couple of things I was looking for. We’ve already established that it smelled delicious. And it definitely had the right amount of sudage. But it lacked that tingling sensation that I like. To me that sensation signals the product is workingHowever, once I rinsed and dried, my face, I realized that it definitely felt fresh and clean. The Clearasil Superfruit Cleansers had clearly worked it’s magic. So I wondered what gives?

Clearasil SuperFruit Cleanser

Duh, it’s super gentle! Clearasil’s NEW! Daily Clear Refreshing Superfruit Cleansers are formulated with Superfruit Extracts AND are gently medicated with only 1% salicylic acid acne medication. While I may not have experienced the desired tingling sensation it clearly was not a reflection of the cleansers ability to leave my face feeling fresh and clean.

Clearasil SuperFruit Cleansers

 With this $1.00 off coupon you can save on any NEW! Clearasil Daily Clear Refreshing Superfruit Wash, Scrub or Pads.

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22 thoughts on “The Things They Don’t Prepare You For In Adulthood”

  1. I’ve recently started using Clearasil and have been loving the results! I too equate the tingling sensation with results but this seems to work great without it!


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