There is something so serene about the warmth of a newborn baby. The precious, innocent little person that fits in your arms somehow has the power to restore faith in humanity. It is such a miraculous experience to hold a newborn, you can’t help but feel moved.
Sadly, the wonder and awe of infancy is not always cherished. Around the world, infants as well as older children are abandoned for a variety of reasons, and this heartbreaking reality is a painful reminder that millions around the world do not have access to basic necessities to care for themselves nor a child.
It may seem like just another world problem that we, as just one person, do not have the time, money, means…to fix. An insurmountable problem to which we reply, “What can I do about it?”
Then, I met someone that gave me a different kind of hope for myself and the seemingly hopeless problems of the world.
I just so happened to be on a plane, headed back to my home state, when a woman came down the aisle towards me lugging a suitcase that looked like it contained more than the seams could hold.
As she sat next to me, she told me she was taking books to her children. I didn’t think much of it, and we offered polite pleasantries and went about our business pretending as if we weren’t knee to knee with perfect strangers, as you often do on planes. However, as the flight began, we started talking, and I realized while I was going home, the woman next to me was on a completely different journey into the heart of Africa where she was saving children.
A long and winding road had led this woman to Treasures of Africa, an orphanage based in Moshi, Tanzania. This orphanage was opened through Hidden Christ Ministries based in Tustin, CA, and it reaches out to the orphaned children across Tanzania. UNICEF estimates that there are 3 million orphaned children in Tanzania, and the AIDS epidemic is a large part of the problem. However, the miracle workers of Treasures of Africa have opened their hearts and devoted their lives to care for these beautiful, precious children that have been left behind. The home operates entirely on donations which leaves the lives of these children in the hands of those willing to help…And you can be one of those that help.
Visit their webpage and donate to help fund the daily needs of the children as well as the building of a new orphanage. There are also different levels of child sponsorship allowing you to donate monthly to a child in need, and you will even receive photos and updates.
However, Treasures of Africa is also offering a creative, alternative way for people to donate. Their is a charity climb up Mount Kilimanjaro for those looking to give back as well as seek out a new adventure.
In order to be a part of the climb, volunteers pay their way and use the provided trekking company that has organized all previous climbs. In order to climb, each volunteer must also raise donation funds for the orphanage. Funds can be raised in a variety of ways, and TOA will also provide innovative ideas to help you reach your donation goal.
The climb itself does not require any technical climbing experience just a strong fitness level. There are no picks or ropes used on the trek just confident hiking skills and a love for beautiful sights. Climbers will spend a week ascending the breathtaking Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa.
Before and after the climb, visitors will tour the Treasures of Africa Orphanage and meet the precious children they are supporting. Look into the eyes of these wonderful children, and see the young lives defying the odds and thriving. Help give them a chance.
The next climb is in December 2015. If you are looking for an adventure consider participating in the climb and give back to the children of the world.
Please visit Treasures of Africa for more information. You can also find them on Facebook.
What an adventure- and a great reason to get to climbing!
Wow, what a lovely way to raise money for charity and achieve a personal goal!
This is a touching story. i would like to volunteer in this climb for a cause i love this program
Well, that sounds like quite and adventure. I wouldn’t do it myself, but I know a bunch of people that would love it.
What an admirable woman, she must have been through a lot just to help out. I think this is an amazing opportunity for people who have been wanting to help out.