Easy Tortellini alla Checca Bake Recipe

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It always seems like I never have enough time in the day. This is especially true during the Holidays where I always seem to find myself wishing for just one more hour. One more hour to work, one more hour to sleep, one more hour to spend with my family. When I make dinner for my family, I usually make everything from scratch but it’s during these busy winter months where my recipes start incorporating a few shortcuts so I can finally get that extra hour with my family, but without sacrificing quality, taste or health.

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I’ve never tried Barilla Three Cheese Tortellini before, but when I saw it while grocery shopping at Vons, I knew in an instant that this could be the key ingredient to a super fast and easy hearty meal (that will make everyone think it took much longer to make). Plus, with the in-store promotion of $.75 off the purchase of ONE (1) package of Barilla® Tortellini, I can also brag to Ben about the savings.

With the added onion, bacon and red pepper flakes, this isn’t your traditional “alla Checca” recipe, but I promise it’s yummy and you’ll go back for seconds! Ben always complains when I don’t include some sort of meat in a main dish so this has chicken and bacon, but feel free to leave those out for a vegetarian option.

*HINT* This recipe still incorporates making sauce from scratch. If you want SUPER DUPER quick and easy, simply cook the Barilla Three Cheese Tortellini according to package directions, toss in Barilla Pasta Sauce, top with mozzarella and bake for 8-10 mins at 350.


1 12oz pkg Barilla Three Cheese Tortellini
12oz Chicken, pre-cooked and diced
3 strips Bacon
3 tomatoes, diced
1/2 cup onion, diced
3 cloves garlic, minced
3 large leaves fresh basil, minced
1/4 cup olive oil
grated parmesan cheese
salt & pepper to taste
red pepper flakes (optional)


If you multi-task as directed, this meal should only take you 23 minutes to make. Read along to see how…

easy three cheese tortellini alla checca recipe 1

1.  Preheat oven to 350

2. Cook Tortellini as directed on package (boil for 10 minutes) and place bacon in toaster oven (or your main oven) to cook while you prepare the sauce.

3. Chop, mince, cut, whatever the tomatoes, onion, garlic and basil. Mix in large bowl with olive oil and add salt, pepper and red pepper flakes to taste.

easy three cheese tortellini alla checca recipe 2

4. I found some pre-cooked, diced chicken in the refrigerated aisle – a great time saver!

easy three cheese tortellini alla checca recipe 3

5. Once bacon is ready, chop and add with pre-cooked chicken to mixture in bowl and toss.

easy three cheese tortellini alla checca recipe 4

6. Mix in tortellini and pour mixture into a baking dish. Cover with desired amount of cheese.

easy three cheese tortellini alla checca recipe 5

7. Bake at 350 degrees for 8 minutes then turn temperature up to broil/hi for 5 minutes to brown cheese and get a little crust formed.

easy three cheese tortellini alla checca recipe 6

8. Serve, shovel into mouth and Enjoy!

This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Barilla, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #JoytotheTable http://cmp.ly/3/8vNxcO.

44 thoughts on “Easy Tortellini alla Checca Bake Recipe”

  1. This Tortellini alla Checca Bake Recipe looks delicious. Its definitely something my family would love to have for dinner. The chicken is a great addition to the tortellini.


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