I stood in front of the mirror and spoke out loud to the person staring back at me. “Who are you?” Of course I recognized myself, this isn’t a story of how I lost my mind, but what I saw looking back at me was a lackluster, muted reflection of my previous self, you know, that bright, spunky, pretty pre-motherhood me; that “before the baby” self that every mother strives to get back to.
So how did I get here? Well, it was pretty easy, really. I’m generally a laid back, no frills sort of person and I simply let myself stay in that new Stay-at-home Mom zone longer than most. All new moms live here for a bit and it is actually an essential place to be. It’s the place where you sacrifice brushing your teeth in order to get 5 more minutes of sleep. It’s where ponytails and yoga pants become your pajamas, daytime outfit and evening wear combined…for days on end. It’s where your pregnancy glow turns into oversize baggage carried just under your eyes (and waistline), your thick beautiful hair falls out in alarming clumps, and none of it matters because you just spent the last two hours creepily staring like a stage 5 clinger at the beautiful human being you created.
While most mothers move their way out of this mesmerizing zone within a few months, my new job of blogging from home enabled me to stay here practically indefinitely. So I did. Because let’s face it, the hats and baggy clothes are the easiest fix for that new muffin top and thinning hairline you’re sporting. I was so unhappy with my hair that I literally just stopped brushing it. I don’t even pack a brush when I go on trips and my son actually asked me the other day “Mommy, why are you getting all fancy?” because he saw me brushing my hair.
So anyway, it was right about the time I started talking to myself in the mirror that I received an opportunity to take part in NIOXIN’s 30 Day Challenge. For those of you unfamiliar with the brand, NIOXIN is the #1 stylist choice for thinning hair whose portfolio provides a customized range of hair and scalp products that are proven to deliver noticeably thicker, denser-looking hair. NIOXIN was actually started by a mom who experienced thinning hair postpartum and subsequently began to look into thinning solutions specifically, the idea of treating the scalp with skincare methods.
Already familiar with the brand thanks to my mother, a hair stylist, I’ve had a love for the products for many years. In all honesty though, I’m that person who has 3-4 different bottles of shampoo and conditioner in the shower (hey, I get bored easily) so I’ve never actually tried committing to the system before the challenge. I used the NIOXIN System Kit #3 which contained a cleanser, scalp therapy and treatment, all of which are formulated with tailored technologies and custom ingredients that address the appearance of thinning hair in different combinations. My favorite part about the system? You don’t actually have to change anything about what you likely are already doing – just replace your shampoo and conditioner plus use a leave in scalp treatment. It’s that easy!
After using the products for two weeks, I already knew it was working. No longer a shampoo buffet kind of girl, I was obsessed with making sure I had the products on hand to use daily so I began taking them with me on my travels in small TSA approved size bottles. After five weeks of use, the thinning area of my hairline was a lot less noticeable and my hair had an overall volume, health and shine to it that I have never been able to achieve with other hair products.
And this is where I began climbing out of my “new mom” rut, albeit 6 years later. All of a sudden I had a desire to take the time to do my hair because the end result was so pretty! Then this of course led to feeling more confident about myself in general and inspired me to get up and change my lifestyle. I now go to the gym regularly, eat healthier, change out of my pajamas even though I don’t really have to, and actually comb and style my hair every day. Feeling like my hair was “back to pre-mom days” was the kick start to being a happier person, which of course translates into being a better wife and mother.
I highly recommend NIOXIN to anyone who is experiencing thinning hair and talk about the products often to friends, family and even strangers that I get compliments from!
I am excited to announce that I am a blogger ambassador for the Faces of NIOXIN program. If you didn’t know, NIOXIN held a contest for people who have experienced fuller, thicker-looking hair after using a NIOXIN System Kit. The winners selected won a free trip to Los Angeles to experience a professional makeover, styling and photo shoot. Also, as an ambassador you receive free NIOXIN for a year! What’s more to love?!
The special photo shoot for the Faces of NIOXIN campaign was last week and I can’t wait to show you the finished product! Not only did I get a professional makeover and styling for the shoot, but my son got one too. Here are some sneak peek behind the scenes images of our day on set and be sure to follow along with me on social media via #NIOXINStories while I continue to embark on the journey to thicker, fuller hair.
Some photos above taken by Shira Shane.
Visit http://www.nioxin.com/en-EN/consultation-tool to take the consultation and find out which NIOXIN System Kit is right for you. While you are there, be sure to check out products from the 3D Styling Line, specifically designed for thinning hair so you can achieve thicker, fuller looks!
I am delighted to be an ambassador for the Faces of NIOXIN program and as always, my opinions are mine, all mine.
This sounds like its up my alley! My hair has gotten so thin after having kids!
I have noticed my hair getting so thin over the years. I will have to look into Nioxin. I would love to have thicker hair.
Thinning of hair has always been my sister’s problem. She has tried different products in the past but nothing happened. I will definitely share this with her.
I have super thick and wavy hair. This sounds like a great product. I will share this with my mom, her hair is beginning to thin.
I have taken a lot of medicines in the last few years that have caused my hair to thin. I would love to find out more about this product and see if it works for me, thanks for sharing!