“The dog was created specially for children. He is the god of frolic.” – Henry Ward Beecher
No matter how many tugs of the leash, ridiculous adorable dress up outfits and forced tea parties her patience is inexhaustable. How do I pay her back for her frienship, playfulness and constant gaurdianship? How do I pay her back for teaching my daughter the value of adventure, loyalty and unconditional love?
Because Dogs Are Love.
Dogs are Unconditional Love.
Totally, Irrevocably Loyal Love.
Run, Fetch, Catch Love.
Completely In Your Space Love.
I Think Your The Best Human On Earth Love.
Tail-Wagging, Just Want To Be With You Love.
The truth is, we’re her entire world and there is no way to pay someone back for that. But we can ensure that she has a good life. We spoil her with her favorite things like a good bone, a comfortable bed like her Classic Pet Bed from Tall Tails, to rest her head after a long day of adventure, and a good belly scratch. We can also keep her healthy with regularly exercise, vet check ups, nutritional food and clean drinking water. And lastly, we give her what all family pets deserve: a comfortable, safe place with a family who loves her.
The Giveaway
One lucky winner will win one Tall Tails Classic Pet Bed (valued up to $38.99).
How to Enter to Win
Step#1: Please answer in the blog comments section below: How do you honor your pet?
Step #2: Use this easy giveaway form below to record your entries – good luck!! The comment entry is the only mandatory one you must complete to enter. All others are purely optional for those that really want to win!
A big thank you to Tall Tails for sending us a classic pet bed for review. All opinions remain my own.
We make sure we spoil him with TONS of toys. It’s ridiculous how many toys he has but we do it because we love him. He also gets a few walks a day, his nightly walk being his absolute favorite. He is allowed to sit anywhere he wants and has a space in the bed between us by our heads. He rarely eats people food but when he does we give him goodies like cantaloupe and sometimes pineapple. He is our little guy and we spoil him with love and fun.
Pets are such amazing creatures! They definitely make human lives more enjoyable just by their presence :)
Our dogs are basically just two additional family members. We treat them like people too! They even sleep in our bed at night, even though it’s more than a full house!
I am totally guilty of forgetting to love on our four legged family members. I actually bought them puppy ice cream recently as an “I am sorry that the kids take up all my time” gift :)
I love to play with my dog outside. I spoil her with lots of treats!