A Travel Friendly, Mom-Approved Baby Stroller System

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This post was sponsored by @GBChildUsa as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central. I received the GB Lyfe Pram Travel System to facilitate my review.

My life has changed considerably since the birth of my first child. Not only have we expanded our family by one, but we also moved from Michigan to the bustling little city of Jacksonville, Florida, just minutes from the beach, shopping centers and more delicious restaurants than you can shake a stick at. As we prepared for our second child, our newly active lifestyle and parenting experience was a complete game changer. I no longer wanted anything to do with products that didn’t add value and ease to my parenting. If it couldn’t multi-task, I simply wasn’t interested.

GB Lyfe

Throughout my pregnancy I had been eyeing the multi-function pram style traveling systems for no other reason than I simply liked them. I wanted one. The versatility of the style spoke to me, but with price tags upwards of $300, I was nervous. Would they be worth it or would I be paying for bells and whistles I would never actually use? So I was over the moon I had the opportunity to answer those questions with the GB Lyfe Travel System. I had never heard of GB Lyfe before and I was flying completely blind with this brand so I ran over to my local Babies ‘R’ Us since the system is exclusive to them, to check out the display and I found myself LOVING the concept. My first impression of the system was: urban chic meets functional mom. 


Finally, the travel system arrived just as we were about to leave our house for a weekend at Universal Studios with friends. My husband was just thrilled to discover I didn’t plan on leaving the house without it. However, he was actually even more thrilled when in my very unscientific assessment – the system came out of the box about 90% put together. In just a few minutes we were off and since I wouldn’t have the baby with me, I was letting friend borrow the stroller for their 3 year old.

GB Lyfe 1

In short, they couldn’t have been happier and it fulfilled my three criteria for theme parks: It had functional cup holders, storage for diaper bags, it navigated the tight corridors of crowded amusement park gift shops with ease AND it was comfortable enough that her three year old was content to spend most of the day in it. 

But I knew the two real tests still lay ahead – everyday use and travel. So the GB Lyfe moved into the back of my van and went everywhere I went. Doctors office? Check. I loved that I could, quite literally, single handedly move the car seat from the van to the stroller and viola. During our 10 minute walks to take our oldest to and from school each day, I regularly use the stroller attachment in pram position. It’s on our daily walks that I most appreciate the extendable canopy. Oliver inevitably falls asleep on these walks and nothing ruins a good nap faster than the sun in your eyes or being overly warm. 

But as I continued to use the GB Lyfe Travel System, it was eventually the small conveniences that truly won me over. Living in sunny Florida, I spend 90% of the year in flip flops. So the first time I went to unlock the dual breaks I cringed, ready for the inevitable beating the top of my foot was about to take. Imagine my surprise when I sliced through the locking mechanism like the Hulk. No pain?!

Perhaps that second round of childbirth had finally turned me into a true ninja mom? Sadly, no. The locking mechanism really is just that foot-friendly. The same goes with folding and unfolding the travel system, swapping out the car seat for the pram or converting the pram into one of its four positions. It seems like just about everything is designed to reduce effort and yet it remains completely secure. 


But still I reserved falling completely in love with the stroller until I had the chance to travel with it. If a picture is worth a thousand words I think this one sums it up. Not only does it say “this mom is a hot mess and she over packs”, because I am and I do, but today I traveled 1200 miles over 2 flights with a severe head cold and two sick kids, solo. I literally do not have enough limbs to have managed it all by myself. While some full-size strollers would have been able to carry this load that can’t be said for all of them. What sets the GB Lyfe apart from even those is that it handled it all with ease. One adult, one child and a baby in a stroller in an airport bathroom stall? Done. Navigating the maze of TSA? Easy. Breaking down the stroller to gate check? For the most part, it was a single-handed effort. So the answer to my question, is the GB Lyfe Travel System worth the price tag? A resounding yes, yes it is!

This post was sponsored by @GBChildUsa as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central. I received the GB Lyfe Pram Travel System to facilitate my review.

24 thoughts on “A Travel Friendly, Mom-Approved Baby Stroller System”

  1. We still have a double stroller for the zoo days for my 2 and 5 year old but I miss the day of having a travel system. This one looks really cool. I like how you said it can navigate well. That was always my issue with the stroller and having to push and pull to get into tight spots.

  2. I always wanted one of the fancy strollers with the bassinet looking bed! This looks like a great set that would be comfortable for babe to travel in.

  3. That is the best thing ever. EVER! When my kids were babies, I had a stroller, a bassinet, AND a car seat. There was barely room for the baby and two bags of groceries!

  4. Now where was this stroller when my youngest was little?!?
    They have changed strollers so much it makes mine look like it was made for a caveman’s baby! LOL!

  5. My son has outgrown this stage unfortunately. I would love to have this if I had another baby I love the way it looks.


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