I am not writing this to give my opinion nor spew details and data about the violence ISIS is using to take control of the predominantly Sunni country. There are much more qualified writers to inform the public on the events happening in Iraq and the evolution of ISIS. Instead, I wanted to focus on how the story of James Foley depicts the uncertainty of this world and the dangers that lurk. It makes me fearful of even seemingly safe travels, but it also makes me yearn for the courage to travel for a purpose greater than my own selfish pleasure.
I have always been a relatively fearless person, but the more places I travel and the older I get, the more aware I am of my surroundings. Gone are the days of leaping before I look, and I feel the pull of hesitation as I dream of new horizons. I also realize that some of the arrogance I carried as a young American blinded me from truly experiencing the culture and often times the suffering that happened around me as I snapped pictures and bought trinkets from children on the street.
Never did I consider that my spare change might have been used to buy the only food a family would eat that week. I never thought about the young girls I passed on nameless streets that seemed to be eternally waiting. Waiting for the next customer as they were forced into a life of sex-trafficking. Mostly, I thought I was somehow immune to all of these atrocities. These things didn’t happen in my own little world at home. It happened in the papers and on the news, but even when I traveled, I felt as if that bubble of safety traveled with me. It, however, does not.
While it was my arrogance that made me blind to this, people like James Foley and Daniel Pearl, were all too aware of the senseless cruelty in this world. They put themselves in harm’s way in order to expose the horror that exists in our lifetime and inform the public. These are the men that bring awareness to the unjust and expose acts against humanity.
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he courage they possessed is beyond my comprehension, and their stories make me want to travel as they have. I wish for the strength these men had to be so aware, to be so determined, to be so dedicated to travel into war zones in order to carry out a sense of truth.
I may not ever develop such a sense of bold discovery that I am willing to risk my life, but I will always be reminded of James Foley and his death each time I set foot on foreign soil. We are all connected in our humanity no matter what race, religion, or residing country. Our sense of loyalty to the preservation and protection of life should expand all borders.
However, it is easy to forget those far corners of the earth. It is easy to lose sight of what is important when we are so fortunate to live lives of luxury compared to others. Yet, journalists like James Foley bring worlds that we will never know right into our living rooms. They teach us about our neighbors near and far. They bring to light the evil in this world so that it may be corrected.
If we close our eyes to the things that we fear or remain ignorant to world around us, the deaths of men like James Foley will be in vain.
Each time I travel I will understand that there is so much more than what meets the eye. Every place on this earth has a history of humanity and conflict. It has a story that stretches far beyond my knowledge in this small snippet of time. I will be aware of how I present myself to this world and unfamiliar cultures and offer respect. I will know that no one is impervious to the threat of violence whether they are home or faraway, but we must keep living, learning, and understanding to create a stronger sense of humanity.
I would never take my kids or myself out of the US – you just never know.
This has made me so so sad. My best friend is married to a photojournalist and it’s so scary to think about some of the danger he’s been in!
These stories do affect us all, in ways many might not realize. Someday hopefully we’ll move beyond killing in the name of religion.
James Foley was a hero. He was just as much a hero and soldier as the guys over there with guns. He gave his life so that the world could see the truth of what happened oceans away from them. He gave his life, so the truth could be known. He gave his life because making the world a better place and exposing the horrifying injustice in some of these areas was a quest that was worth the possible price he might pay.
I will always keep my eyes, ears, and heart open to what is going on around me. If I do not, then what did Mr. Foley and the other reported who have lost their lives die for? I think the worst injustice that could be done to the brave men and women who have died for the truth is to remain ignorant of the world.
As a parent, I wouldn’t travel to an area with conflict – either by myself or with my family.
I’ve been to Europe once and I was in a tour group. I felt safer traveling in groups with companions checking on me regularly.