Which Social Media Cliché Are You?!

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Windows Quiz 2You’ve seen them, you know you have. There is one on every friend list. They’re the selfie queens, the #Hashtag Hypers, Play-By-Playahs, bonafide members of the Meme Team, and the total N00bs, among others. If you read that list and didn’t recall at least one person, then you might consider taking Window’s “Which social media cliché are you?!” quiz because you may be it

Windows Quiz1

For a short 13 question quiz, it really captured the different personalities that I see on my friends list. This question about what you’re most likely to share is a prime example. 

Windows Quiz

“Mommarazzi. Everyone thinks their kid is the cutest by mine actually is!”

While I don’t disagree with their statement, the results really hones in on one of the ways I use social media – especially Facebook. For me, Facebook is a place to connect with family. We’re spread across the state and across the country, so my family uses social media to watch my daughter grow. It probably doesn’t hurt that she also happens to be my favorite photography subject. So I wasn’t surprised at all by my results, but I felt there were a few other categories that could have easily applied to me as well. 

Personally, I get it. Everyone uses social media for different purposes, at different frequencies and in different ways. The Internet has become an integral part of our everyday lives, whether you’re a parent connecting with friends, a student applying to schools and jobs, or a teen simply sharing the latest celebrity gossip. It takes all kinds of kinds right?  

But it also made me think about the things we put out into the world. It’s so easy to mindlessly give something a thumbs up, favorite, or share. Chances are, we may not even remember half of the interactions we make on a daily basis. More now than ever, the “digital footprint” we leave has a lasting impact on all ages and stages of life. 

[infobox]Did you know that 79% of job recruiters routinely review online profiles when considering applicants, yet recent Microsoft research shows that only 19% of people take steps to manage their online reputation?[/infobox] 

Now, Microsoft is encouraging you to #Do1Thing to take charge of your online reputation. Ensure that what you – or your kids – are doing online doesn’t cause harm to their reputation, virtual or otherwise. 

Surf and Sunshine is a part of the Microsoft Champion Blogger program. Information was provided to me, but all opinions remain my own.

31 thoughts on “Which Social Media Cliché Are You?!”

  1. Mamarazzi here, for sure! I love sharing too, sometimes too much I think! I love social media so so so much!

  2. What a true comment regarding the employers looking and people being responsible and thoughtful of their footprint. I tell this to my daughter all the time.

  3. That’s a good question. I am randomly all over the place, but I’d most likely be the one that shares all her blog posts lol


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