Durability is key when it comes to our outdoor necessities and OtterBox outdoor gear will stand up to the elements and anything my family can put it through.
While some people might be preoccupied with the approaching holidays and gearing up for all night shop-a-thons, I am still in full on tailgating mode. Fall is in the air, and there are still plenty of games to be won and cookouts to be had before the end of the year. In our family, we take our tailgating pretty seriously – whether we are supporting our favorite mini soccer star or cheering for our Seattle Seahawks. We don’t play around when it comes to our tailgating setup, and we only use durable, reliable products that can take a beating…worse than the opposing team.
OtterBox offered up a sampling of their outdoor gear products to see if they could stand up to our outdoor activities, and we were more than happy to take them for a test drive.
Maybe the most important tailgating necessity is the cooler. After all, it isn’t a tailgate without food and drinks. The OtterBox Venture 45 Quart Cooler is the ultimate cooler for outdoor living. Venture can be dragged around the parking lot, tossed in the back of the pickup or carried to the campsite and stand up to anything that it might face, like bears. No, really… It is an “ultra-bear resistant” cooler so heavy duty, you don’t have to worry about your food being stolen by big furry forest beasts. The Venture’s solid design held up to our everyday abuse, and the interior can carry all we need – which is up to 25 12-ounce cans, 48 juice boxes or 52 lbs of bagged ice. Not too shabby, am I right? Best part is that it will keep that ice frozen for DAYS not just hours.
It has a dry storage tray as well as three custom compartments to hold everything I need when on an outdoor adventure. A Cutting Board Accessory can easily be snapped on for convenient extra space. Made with BPA free, food grade safe material, the cutting board makes it simple to prep food, and when done, the tray can be removed to use the 3 slot cup holder below. For even more storage, there is a Double Cup Holder Accessory that can be added to any Venture cooler to hold 2 Elevation tumblers, 2 cups, 2 bottles or 2 cans. The substantial latches will keep contents in and curious animals out while the anti-slide rubber feet make sure it stays put. Inside the slanted bottom makes for easy draining, and its strong handles allow for grab and go transportation. However, if there is one thing I really wish this bad boy had, it’s wheels. Without them, it’s definitely a 2 person job to to take the Venture from car to sidelines.
When I am on the go, I don’t leave the house without a cup of hot coffee, and the Elevation 20 Tumbler is copper lined to keep hot drinks hot and cold drinks cold. The stainless steel holds up to everyday use, and its sweat-resistant exterior means no messy rings. There is a wide collection of lids that can be changed out to go along with whatever event I happen to be attending, and the Tumbler Sleeve slides on for a comfortable grip while ensuring no one else grabs my cup.
If you are anything like me, a safe spot for my phone and keys is an absolute must…Or they might just end up lost forever or buried in sand. The 3250 Series Dry Box will hold my phone and car keys without any worry of damage if it is dropped or tossed. It has a streamlined design with an interior foam lining to keep everything safe. Made waterproof (up to 90 feet for 30 minutes!) and stackable, it clips right to the Venture so it’s easy to keep track of it. I love that you can carry this dry box with you anywhere though so it’s perfect for taking to the beach or on our kayaking outings too.
We’re absolutely loving this new OtterBox Outdoor Gear – especially since it will really come in handy during the summer with our weekly beach gatherings!
The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free.
I never really paid much attention to our coolers and all that! I think this line is awesome especially if you’re the kind of family that loves camping and exploring the great outdoors!
I would love to get The OtterBox Venture 45 Quart Cooler. It would be fantastic for our RV trip next summer. I will have to add it to my wish list.
I like these outdoor products! No bears around here (that I know of!), but they would still hold up to kids!
The 3250 Series Dry Box sounds like something everyone should have! It’s so funny you mentioned bears – we actually had one that lives around here, he comes up near the house at night and scares the bejeebus out of us!
I have an OtterBox case on my phone and it has been a lifesaver numerous times. I imagine their outdoor line is just as durable and efficient.