Our printable last day of school interview questions will help you to create a complete time capsule of your child’s school years. What memories will you capture?
Wow – we made it! The school year is coming to an end and what an interesting year this has been for all of us.
I created these last day of school interview sheets to document how my child was feeling during this crazy time, but of course, they are a great activity to complete every year.
Because you see your children every day, it can be difficult to actually *see* how much they have grown and changed in just one school year. But believe me, they definitely have!
This past school year they discovered new interests, made new friends, their tastes and preferences changed, they made a ton of new memories and of course, they grew (in mind, heart and body!).
Do you remember how exciting the last day of school was for you?
It was such a big day to look forward to and these interview sheets will help you document that joy at the end of each grade, heading into a fun-filled summer.
Most parents will try and take a picture of their children on the first and last days of school. I have to admit I haven’t always done this and I’ve regretted it as I look back on pictures now. The years where there are gaps just break my heart – especially those early ones.
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Parents are constantly saying it, but it’s so so true. Time flies and children, they grow so fast!
I already take a photo each year, why should we do these question prompts too?
Photos are a great way of having a visual reminder of the physical change our kids go through. But over time, you won’t remember if that photo is the one where he loved tomatoes but hated spaghetti, or if it was the year she won the spelling bee.
This is why I love the idea of making a Last Day of School Time Capsule for my child. It will help preserve their personalities, and what is in their minds and hearts. And with a space for photos, you’ll get the best of both.
Printable Last Day of School Time Capsule sheets
Commemorate the years your children grow and mature the most with our Last Day of School / Graduation Interview Questionnaire Time Capsule Bundle. The download and print kit includes all grades, Pre-Kindergarten through the 12th grade in a fun retro rainbow colored design.
There are two pages of fill-in-the blanks to record complete all about me and school year time capsule information like friends, signature, favorite things, photograph and more. You will be able to make your own personalized school memories book with a total of 28 pages.
This two-page last day of school interview is filled with fun questions (or actually fill-in-the-blank prompts) to capture your childrens’ best memories, goals and likes for that school year.
The last day of school questionnaire starts off with school info like the teacher’s name, school name and date. See how much your child has grown with the questions for their age, height, shoe size, as well as how they sign their name!
Next, your child can record their favorite things, and draw a self portrait or add a photo.
The thoughtful questions on the second page reflect the growth and memories of the school year as well as what they are looking forward to in the next year.
This interview is such a fun last-day-of-school keepsake, and if you make it a yearly tradition you’ll have a heart-warming record of your child’s transformation over the school years!
Can we do a First Day of School Interview Time Capsule instead?
Some parents have already gotten into the habit of doing First Day of School stuff and we get it. So, by popular request I’ve created a First Day of School Interview Time Capsule Bundle you can use instead.
The fill-in-the-blank questions do vary a little so you could use both if you like (so much happens over the summer!)
What else should I include in my child’s time capsule?
Go a step further and take a video too. I know, I know – these days we all take videos like every single day with out phones – we will have plenty to look back on, right?
Well, yes and no. Have you ever tried to go back and find a specific video you took of a moment? Or do you, like me, take it and forget it? Taking a specific video each year for this time capsule project will be well worth the effort, I promise!
I highly recommend taking a video of your child answering some of these from the worksheets. While a picture may be worth a thousand words, it won’t capture that adorable squeak in your child’s voice, the precious giggle or how they overcome a shyness of speaking on camera over the years.
And yes, definitely document that one year when they refused to answer any questions and threw a tantrum instead. It will be pure gold for their wedding video!
The BEST Last Day of School Interview
Our last day of school interview offers the same fill-in-the-blank prompts each year. You may be thinking that you’d like to switch it up and ask something different after a couple years, but don’t do it!
Resist the urge to do this, because part of the magic of this Time Capsule project IS the fact that they are answering the same questions each year. In this way, we are able to see how and when their answers change, and marvel in the differences.
We’ve included some key end of school fill-in the blank prompts like:
- Something new I learned was…
- This year I got better at…
- Next year I look forward to…
Just keep having them fill out these pages each year, and then 5 years or when your child is about to leave for to college or when they get married, pulled out the time capsule pages and smile through the memories together.
It would make a great graduation gift, and you could make a video collage from each years’ interviews.
What if my child is older and we’re late doing this?
You guys, IT’S NEVER TOO LATE to start documenting memories. Never!
While the answers children give when they are real young tend to be more funny, it doesn’t mean you should just skip this opportunity. Honestly, you can start this at any age and you will be thankful you started when you did (whenever that may be!)
The only *wrong* way to do this, is to not to do it all!
In case you missed the links above, you can get the Last Day of School Interview Time Capsule kit here :)
What is your favorite question to ask your child on the last day of school? Let us know in the comments below!
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