4 Tips To Make Breastfeeding Easier For Mom and Baby

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Like most things concerning children, each child is unique even when it comes to Nursing. So what works for one may not work for the next.

That said, there are plenty of time-tested techniques for improving milk flow, clearing blocked milk ducts, and more. Read on to find out how BabyCenter moms faced, and overcame, some of the most common breastfeeding challenges.

Compensation was provided by The Honest Company via MomTrends. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions of The Honest Company or Momtrends. 

4 Ways To Make Breastfeeding Easier For Mom and Baby

Find The Right Atmosphere

Everyone feels differently about breastfeeding – some prefer it to be a private experience while others are comfortable to breastfeed anywhere. What is important, is finding the place that works for you whether you’re at home or in town. Given that feeding can take anywhere from five minutes to 40 minutes it’s important to be comfortable and relaxed, especially when you’re still trying to get the hang of it. 

If you prefer to breastfeed in privacy but end up inevitably stuck in a public setting, try something like a 2-in-1 Nursing Cover + Scarf for easy privacy like this one from Honest Co. It is soft and breathable, made with 100% organically grown cotton.

Once you’ve found the right atmosphere, get comfortable. If you get bored while feeding consider passing the time with a TV, Radio or Audiobook. Once you’re settled, get baby in a position that’s comfortable for the both of you, ensure a good latch and get ready to spend the next 40 minutes relaxing. 

Expect A Surmountable Challenge

Momma’s don’t listen to anyone who says breastfeeding is the easiest thing in the world, because more than likely they have never done it. Breastfeeding can be challenging. It can be hard work. It can feel overwhelming and scary and unknown. But you know what? Women have been doing it for thousands of years and you can too. It’s important to stay positive. Find joy in the little and everyday successes. Don’t get discouraged if things don’t click right away and trust your instincts.

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Get The Right Accessories

Organic Nipple Balm:
Unfortunately chaffing and nipple soreness can be apart of the package. Keeping a good salve onhand helps  soothe pain and irritation and encourage healing so you can keep going. You can do it mom! The Honest Co. came out with Organic Nipple Balm as part of their new Honest Feeding Line.

Nursing Bras:

It’s good to have at least two or three of these supportive gals. Nursing bras allow baby easy access to your milk supply and offer support for mom too. Make sure they fit properly, are comfortable and easy to use. 

Nursing Pillow:

A good nursing pillow can really help mom (and baby) stay relaxed and comfortable. The foam-free Nursing Pillow from Honest Co is specially designed to offer stable support and comfort for both baby and mom by gently angling baby to encourage optimal feeding position.

Natural Feeding Baby Bottles:

For a variety of reasons, baby bottles can be a necessary part of breastfeeding. Try baby bottles that closely mimics natural breastfeeding and reduce gas, colic, reflux, and spit-up.

Get Help

Breastfeeding creates a special bond between mom and baby, but sometimes it can be hard for dad who doesn’t know how he fits into that equation. You can help him out – and yourself and baby too – by getting him involved. Dads make the perfect second pair of eyes when determining latch or grabbing that pillow just out of arms reach. It allows him to be involved and helps ease your stress just that much more. 

What tips have you learned along the way that you’d like to share with other breastfeeding moms?

24 thoughts on “4 Tips To Make Breastfeeding Easier For Mom and Baby”

  1. I think having a supportive spouse is also helpful. And getting them educated on the value of breastfeeding.


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