Have you ever purchased a vehicle and then suddenly it seems like everyone on the road is driving that same make and model? The probability that everyone else suddenly has the same vehicle is very slim. In reality, it’s simply that you now notice that make and model on the road. So what does this have to do with being a new parent?
Before my husband and I had our first child we were completely oblivious to the fragility of a child’s life. We simply saw no other alternative than birthing a happy, healthy baby girl. She would be brilliant and funny and kind. She would go to college, find meaning in her life, give us grandchildren and live to see grandchildren of her own. On April 17th she came into the world with her eyes wide open and she was everything we imagined. But suddenly, our eyes were opened to the fragility of her life. Things like child abductions, house fires, baby product recalls, unhealthy processed foods and the horrors of childhood cancer were suddenly bombarding us. Then on her first birthday we had our very own encounter with the fragility of her life but we got lucky. Then, after four years of enjoying our daughter we decided to expand our family but the rose colored glasses had been taken off. Now we were all too aware that my womb was not as protective as it once seemed and the outside world was an even scarier place than that.
The good news is that we learned there are things we can do to help keep our children safe. We can’t prevent natural disasters, forever avoid the common cold or keep them away from sugar (forever, anyways) but we can make decisions – even before birth – that will help provide our child with options in the future, specifically health options.
One of those decisions is cord blood banking. Spoiler alert! Watch a quick video here to see how it works.
Cord Blood banking is the process of collecting and storing the blood remaining in your newborn’s umbilical cord. This blood contains young stem cells that have an amazing power to heal. As of today, it can be used in the treatment of approximately 80 diseases, including certain cancers, genetic diseases & blood disorders. Additionally, clinical research trials for Autism and Cerebral Palsy are underway infusing children with their own cord blood stem cells. These studies aim to see if cord blood stem cells may provide a benefit to these children.
Two common concerns that parents tend to have when considering cord blood banking are: time and cost. However, collecting umbilical cord blood is a much simpler process than most realize. It’s a safe, painless procedure that won’t disrupt you, your baby, or your birth plan. You can collect even if you’re having a C-Section. In fact, ViaCord has been collecting and storing #cordblood stem cells for families for over 20 years. Cord Blood banking is also more affordable than you may think. ViaCord has many payment plan options to help with the cost.
At the end of the day, every family deserves to know about the potential benefits of banking and an informed decision is the best decision. Do your research. Know your cord blood options so you can make the decision that’s right for your family.
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
Thanks for sharing the benefits of banking cord blood. I started hearing a lot about it right after my kids were born so I never really looked into it.
I’ve never done cord banking with any of my kiddos. It’s super expensive up here in Canada, but I do think it’s a great idea and wish we were able to do it more!
My friend need to see this! Gonna share this to her.
I love the concept of cord blood banking, it’s a tad bit out of the budget though. It’s really great to have a back up for your health like that, isn’t it?
I love the idea of Blood banking I wish I knew this when I’m pregnant to my first son