Woman In Gold: Nothing is Ever Truly Lost

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Maria Altman spent sixty years overcoming the events that forced her to escape Vienna as a child, but when her sister passes away, Maria must face the demons that tore her family apart. Played by Helen Mirren, Maria’s struggle is the true story of one woman’s fight to reclaim the last remaining family possessions that were stolen during the Nazi invasion.

As a young Jewish girl, Maria fled Austria when the Nazi Regime took over the country. Vowing never to return to Vienna, Maria couldn’t bear to return to the land where her childhood had been destroyed. Eventually settling in California, Maria spent most of her life unable to face what she had lost. When her sister dies, Maria discovers that there had been attempts to recover family possessions that had been stolen from them when they left Austria. Among the property is the painting of their Aunt Adele painted by Gustav Klimt. The well known painting trimmed with gold is an exquisite work of art prominently displayed in Austria despite its original ownership and the objectionable means by which is was obtained. Maria realizes the fight for the painting is a symbol of what her family lost, and it may give her the closure she needs some six decades after she was pushed from her native home leaving behind life as she knew it.


Samples & prizing provided by Anchor Bay Entertainment. All opinions remain my own.

Eager to take back what rightfully belongs to her family, Maria struggles with hopelessness and the seemingly improbability of overcoming the Austrian Government. Her misgivings stymy her efforts, but she meets a young, naïve lawyer that devotes himself to her cause. Randy Schoenberg, played by Ryan Reynolds, makes it his whole world to fight for Maria. He quits his job and manages to persuade Maria to return to Vienna, despite her adamant refusal, and they begin their long battle to restore rightful ownership to the Woman In Gold.

Once again, in the heart of Austria, Maria is overwhelmed by the childhood memories and the unbearable heartache she endured when her family was torn apart. In the depths of her despair, Maria finds the strength to continue her journey to save the last remnants of her family. 

Directed by Simon Curtis and Produced by David M. Thompson, Woman In Gold is a triumphant story of unexpected justice. While the world is familiar with the heinous acts of the Nazi regime, it is the stories of the survivors that shed a new hope on the fate of humanity. Stories like these embody the perseverance of humanity and reveal the capacity for good within each of us.


In addition to the leading roles with Helen Mirren and Ryan Reynolds, Woman In Gold also stars Daniel Bruhl, Katie Holmes, Charles Dance, Elizabeth McGovern, and Frances Fisher.   

Available on Blu-ray™, DVD and Digital HD on July 7th.


Rated PG 13 for brief strong language and some of the content.

Blu-ray™ and DVD copies offer special features including “The Making of Woman in Gold,” “Feature Commentary with Director Simon Curtis and Producer David M. Thompson” and “Stealing Klimt Documentary Trailer”. Get your copy today or enter our giveaway below!

The Giveaway

One (1) winner receives:

  • $50 Visa Gift Card to mark your moments in history
  • WOMAN IN GOLD Blu-ray

Prize pack value, $84.99

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Woman in Gold

Samples & prizing provided by Anchor Bay Entertainment. All opinions remain my own.

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